1. Due date: 11:59 pm, Monday March 5, 2007. 2. spacing in report 1 for the "mean" column: There are two (2) spaces between "sensor5" and "mean". The "." in the entries in this column should be alligned at the position of letter "n" in the word "mean". (There is an error in the project description about this.) Please run the "pr1_v2" executable and check its output if you have further questions. 3. the "mean" column for the last three rows in report 1: You should leave it blank like the "pr1_v2" executable does. 4. please do not send your code to us for help. It is more effective to see us at our office hours (or make appointments) so you can see how we debug your program. 5. Bonus part: It worthes 20 points, but make sure that you complete the required parts correctly first.