1. (Sunday, April 29, 3:50 pm) about " At the end of the page 1 in the project description, there are two "'s: one for the openning " and the second one for the closing ". However, there are the same in ASCII. So please change the first " to '. 2. (Wednesday, May 2, 8:30 am) about ' The following statement assigns ' to variable ch char ch; ch = '\''; 3. (Wednesday, May 2, 8:30 am) shift cipher We assume that the 72-letter alphabet is circular, in the sense that character with index 0 will follow the character with the largest index 71. 4. (Wednesday, May 2, 8:45 am) Sample files posted a.out: master executable plain.txt: plain text message cipher.txt: cipher text with key = 4 codeBreaker.txt: the screen print out when try to break cipher.txt mydictional.txt: the dictionary file used for code breaker. More words will be added for the real dictionary, but the file name will remain as mydictional.txt plain2.txt: another plain text message cipher2.txt: cipher text for plain2.txt 5. (Wednesday, May 2, 9:00 am) word In plain text, words are separated by characters other than a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. Or, by any of the 10 punctuation marks. For example, (Wednesday, May 2, 8:45 am) will be considered as the following words: Wednesday May 2 8 45 am 6. (Thursday, May 3, 5:15 am) copy input files The format of the input file (especially the end of file, new lines, spaces, etc.) is very important for this project. To ensure that you get the correct input file to start with, use the following command to copy them to your account: cp /dept/enee/public_html/class/enee114/homework/Proj4/plain.txt . This will copy file plain.txt to your current directory. Do the same for other necessary files. 7. (Friday, May 4, 6:40 am) fix in the master program A update is posted as a_v1.out. It fixes some bug regarding endline characters in the previous version. 8. (Friday, May 4, 6:45 am) read in the key value from command line The key value will be read in from the command line as argv[4] as a string. For example, key 15 will be considered as character 1 followed by character 5. You can convert it to integer by yourself or use the following statement key = atoi(argv[4]); which turns it to integer. 9. (Monday, May 7, 10:00 am) \n and EOF in the input files The EOF symbol (you might find it as an invisible '\n' at the end of files) is not in our 72-letter alphebat and you can ignore it. To be more specific, \n in the middle of text should be encoded/decoded; EOF symbol (the invisible '\n' at the end of files) should not be encoded/decoded as part of the messages. Anyway, this feature will not cause you more than a couple of points, if any.