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Course Information:
Lecture: | Tue Thu 2:00 - 3:15, EGR-3114 |
Mailing List: | enee359a-0101-spring08@coursemail.umd.edu |
Required Text: | CMOS VLSI Design -- A Circuits and Systems Perspective, 3rd Ed., by Weste and Harris |
Recommended Texts: | Dally & Poulton: Digital Systems Engineering |
Johnson & Graham: High-Speed Digital Design | |
Uyemura: Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems | |
Baker, Li, & Boyce: CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation |
Instructor Information:
Professor: | Bruce L. Jacob, Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Office: | 1325 A.V. Williams Building |
Phone: | (301) 405-0432 |
Email: | ![]() |
Office Hours: | Open door policy (for now ...) |
TA: | Elliott Cooper-Balis |
Email: | ecc17@umd.edu |
Recitations: | Wed 12:00 - 12:50 |
Course Handouts and General Information:
Week | Slides | Topics |
Weeks 1/2 | enee359a-overview.pdf | Course overview in a nutshell |
Weeks 2/3 | enee359a-devices.pdf | Intro to (Verilog) design, P/N junctions, MOS transistors, CMOS inverter |
Week 4 | enee359a-CMOS.pdf | Static CMOS Design |
Week 5 | enee359a-manufacturing.pdf Maly-CMOS.pdf | Cadence tools & manufacturing processes |
Week 6 | enee359a-sizing.pdf | Transistor Sizing & Logical Effort |
Week 7 | enee359a-wires.pdf | Interconnects (i.e., wires) |
Week 8 | Review and Midterm | |
Week 9 | SPRING BREAK | |
Weeks 10/11 | enee359a-sequential.pdf | Sequential Circuits: Latches, Registers, Pipelines |
Week 12 | enee359a-parasitics.pdf | Capacitive, Resistive, and Inductive Parasitics |
Weeks 13/14 | enee359a-timing.pdf | System Timing: Synchronous, Asynchronous, etc. |
Weeks 15 | enee359a-SRAM-i.pdf | Low-Power SRAM Circuits |
Week 16 | enee359a-DRAM-i.pdf enee359a-DRAM-ii.pdf | DRAM Systems & Circuits ... pictures of cells |
ID | Out | Due | Write-up | Homework Solution/Project Distribution |
Project 1 | 07-Feb-2007 | 19-Feb-2007 | p1.pdf | |
HW-1 | 12-Feb-2008 | 19-Feb-2008 | hw1.pdf | |
HW-2 | 4-Mar-2008 | 11-Mar-2008 | hw2.pdf |