
22 August 2018:
I just wanted to send an email to welcome everyone to ENEE 446 before the semester gets going. I hope everyone had a great summer break. I'm looking forward to the Fall semester. See everyone in class on Monday!

29 August 2018:
I forgot to put the University's academic integrity information on my syllabus. You can out about this at the website for the Student Honor Council:

10 September 2018:
Starting this week, the TAs will hold their office hours in AVW 1301 (no longer in the ECE undergrad lounge). My office hours will still be in AVW 1323. There will likely be a change to the time of the Thursday office hours, but we are still awaiting confirmation from the graduate office. I'll email the time for Thursday's office hours when they are confirmed.

31 October 2018:
I have posted the handout for project #2 on the course website. See the link from today's lecture called "pr2". I will bring hardcopies of this handout on Monday. However, you can download the soft copy immediately to get an early start on the project if you like.

18 November 2018:
Our TA Chenxi has just setup an assignment on ELMS for you to submit project #2. Please create a tar file like you did for Project #1. The tar file should contain all of your code (.c and .h files) needed to compile your project. Please do not submit the trace files.

If you have an electronic version of the writeup, you can include that in your tar file. If you have a hand written version, you can bring it to class tomorrow. I will also allow you to submit hardcopy writeups after class up until midnight by slipping it under my office door.

29 November 2018:
The course evaluation for ENEE 446 should now (or sometime today) be open. Please take the time to fill out the evaluation. We take your feedback very seriously, and it helps to improve the course for future semesters.